The Pittsburgh Committee on Foreign Relations
Date(s) - 02/23/2023
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
featuring Michael Starz,
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
The War in Ukraine and its Implication on US Foreign Policy:
The Pre-Invasion Advisor Mission and the Current and
Future State of the Battlefield.
Army Lieutenant Colonel Mike Starz commanded the 8-nation Advisor mission in Ukraine in 2019 that trained the first four Ukrainian Brigades in NATO-compatible methods. His brief talk will address the multi-national efforts to build the Ukrainian Armed Forces prior to the Russian invasion and the current security assistance efforts.
Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar will be available. There is no charge for this event, but we do ask that you RSVP:
Allegheny HYP Club Members may RSVP through the Clubster app
Anyone may RSVP by sending THIS EMAIL
Or call 412-281-5858